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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Hearing loss...

Talking to Mom on the phone. I know I've mentioned this here before, but it's really time for me to come to terms with it. Mom says my middle sister is getting a hearing aid. She saw an audiologist and he diagnosed her with a progressive loss in the upper registers. Says she's been reading lips. Didn't even finish the test before he said she had to get one immediately. And Mom says G. Compton (my progenitor to whom I don't speak) has had poor hearing for years. He always blamed it on his stint in the marines as a gunnery seargent. I have always blamed mine on the fact that I worked at a record store in college and saw a loud show pretty much every night for five years. And band rehearsals in my house.

I do a lot of lipreading and nodding & smiling because I can't hear and am too embarassed to say so. I apologize if I have done this to you. I drive Shawn crazy.

Anyway. Looks like I can't ignore this anymore, so I'm making an appointment. (Any recommendations for NYC?) But if I guess if I had to choose one of my senses to dull, it would be hearing. I'd hate to lose my sight--and taste! oh horror!--or touch. Smell too close to taste to give up. So things could be worse.

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