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Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Chad in China: 3*

"Teaching sucks. I prepared to teach technical writing, but after my first lesson I realized no one knew what the hell I was talking about. So I'll probably be teaching oral communication skills (and correcting my own at the same time).

I just met the former head of CalArts, who's teaching animation here. Today a former student of hers, who works at Pixar, is giving a couple lectures here. I'm going to start sitting in on some animation classes.

The air here is killing me. I think it's worse than Calcutta. I should probably quit smoking, but a pack of cigarettes for 50 cents is awful tempting."


"Just wiped my ass with some napkins I had in my pocket becaue the 20 toilets in this building I just visited were all missing toilet paper...thought that only happened in India."

*Chad in China: 1 here. Chad in China: 2 here.

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