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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

A common misconception...

but you must be born in Texas to be a Texan. You can be an honorary Texan if you were transplanted at a young age or "take to it like a duck to water." Grudgingly, I admit that the Unelected Bozo is a pretty decent transplant. But he was born in Connecticut. So he is not really Southern.

However, he would probably beat me on this quiz.

How Southern are you?

I am quite positive that I would beat him on any other kind of quiz.

Note: The "route" question--well that just depends. I'd say "root" if I were talking about the path I took to get somewhere, and rhyme with "out" if I were giving my old Rural Route 4 address in Moffit, TX. On the "rolling" question, we'd actually say "wrapping." And on the "Party barn" question--dude, that's a chain.

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