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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Yeah, well

...it's true.

The copies of Big Confetti we had for the launch reading and party on Friday did have the wrong "Homeslice." What happened: a poem that I thought would be two pages ("My Huge Napoleon"), actually ended up only being one page, and when nudging everything up in the Quark doc, I neglected to paste over the poem that was originally on the page that "Homeslice" came to occupy. So there was no "Homeslice" in that first set at all, rather "Straight from the Headlines" appeared both under "Homeslice" and its own title. I was disappointed about this, not only for obvious reasons, but because "Straight from the Headlines" is the last poem in the book, wherein I sort of propose to Shafer, so to have it run a few pages before the end, sort of robs it of its end-of-book punch.

Got all that?

The copies from the PoProj reading are correct, though. As are all copies sent to fulfill PayPal orders.

In case you have one of the first batch, let me know, and I'll send you a sticker to put over the incorrect poem on that page.

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