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Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Says Shafer Hall: Everybody must get Estoned!

Dear Friends and Other Fishes,

On Saturday, Frequency will have the opportunity to host two of the premiere poets of ESTONIA. They've come all the way from ESTONIA. Because they‚re coming to the Four-Faced Liar from ACROSS THE PLANET, I was hoping to get them the largest audience possible. If you've never been to the Frequency

series, now is the perfect time to go. If the Frequency series has been really nice to you and let you read, and you‚ve always meant to be nice to the Frequency series back, but you are one of those people (myself included) who think that leaving the house really sucks, now is the time to open your front door. Please note that this is a special SATURDAY edition of Frequency. SATURDAY.

These are extraordinary poets, and the word on the street is that they also rather like to party. Please, please come along to this reading. And the next time that you are in Estonia, you will have two friends there who will take very good care of you.

AND! Maureen is making little Estonian flags for us to wave.

But don‚t take my word for it. Check out this English-language website dedicated to Estonian literature. Karl Martin Sinijarv is here and Asko Kunnap is here.

If you‚re feeling particularly ambitious, I'd really appreciate it if you'd help disseminate this information. Forward to friends, post on your blog, yell it from your second story window to

strangers passing in the street.

"I'm bloody-well going to survive over time"

Much Love,


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