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Monday, March 21, 2005

How to Save Poetry

In honor of World Poetry Day (or whatever) here are half a dozen things you as a poet and/or poetry lover can do to save poetry:

1. Buy poetry books. Buy them new if they are still in print whenever possible (used books don't make zip for publishers or authors). Give them as gifts, particularly to people who wouldn't otherwise buy them (see #6). If your budget doesn't permit frequent purchases, you can encourage your local library to order new titles. Most libraries will purchase a book if it is requested by a low minimum number of patrons.

2. Subscribe. Subscriptions (as opposed to newsstand and bookstore sales) keep magazines afloat by funding issues in advance. Choose 1-5 poetry journals a year (as your budget permits). Split a subscription with a friend or reading group. Give subscriptions to your favorite journals as gifts (see #6).

3. Write reviews, even if they are just on your own blog or site. A good word from a sympathetic reader works better than any ad (which many publishers have trouble affording). (See also, #6.)

4. Support independent publishers, nonprofit publishers, and small magazines with volunteer work or donations. If you can afford it, give something back to the people who work for peanuts (if that much) to get your work and work you love into circulation. In the case of nonprofits, these donations are usually tax-deductible. Volunteering for some hands-on experience will teach you tons about how submissions are evaluated, etc.

5. Start your own reading series, chapbook press, publishing collective or other poetry-related venture with like-minded folk. Encourage community.

6. Teach somebody else to read and love poetry. Kids are great, but any age will do.

If poetry is important to you, be an advocate not just a protester. Here's a big round of applause for all of you who do these things.

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