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Thursday, August 26, 2004

This just in: Bikes Against Bush

From Shannon Holman:

Want to send a message to the RNC next week? How about sending it

wirelessly and having it distributed in chalk by bicycle?

I'm crazy about this project and hope you will be too.


Bike Writer Pedals for Protest

"New Yorker Joshua Kinberg is a bike messenger of a different stripe.

Instead of ferrying legal papers between lawyers, he uses a homemade,

wireless, bicycle-mounted dot-matrix printer to spray protest messages

in the street.

Kinberg will be taking his road-spraying bicycle to the Republican

National Convention in New York this fall, where he'll ride around

spraying [chalk] slogans submitted over the Web and beamed wirelessly

to the bike."

Wired article here.

Joshua's web site here.

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