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Monday, October 10, 2005

Adam with his fake mustache* & Jilly who loves circus freaks...

...have posted reading reports about the festival yesterday. (Thanks, y'all! Fanstastic to meet you in person.)

This morning we'll be visiting a class at Watkins, then having lunch with Nancy Roche, then a Q&A at 4:15 and reading at 5:15.

After a little more than a week of this travel, I can't help thinking that I am glad this is one of our final mornings of in-room hotel coffee. The creep (creamer powder) is ineffective, and is mostly corn syrup solids.

I guess it's a Monday thing too, but I've already started thinking about all the things I have to do when we get back...before we leave again on the 18th.

*See his Blogger profile photo.

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