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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Next week at the DIY blog...

...I'm going to be reporting on a class I'm taking at the Center for Book Arts. I'll be doing Letterpress I: Hand Typesetting. (Been wanting to take this for a couple of years now, but had to rearrange my freelance schedule for a whole week finally to do it!)

We'll be making small pieces. Not sure what I'll choose to set yet.

This guy Jon Keegen just took Bookbinding I with the same instructor, Nancy Loeber. His co-blogger Barbara Zuckerman also took the class at some point, & has been busy making 2-inch artist books.

Nancy Loeber apparently also teaches stab-binding classes for kids at various orgs & libraries. (Kids LOVE making paper & binding books. I've actually taught those things myself. Totally fun.)

I was looking for a report from somebody who'd taken the letterpress class, but didn't find one. This artist made her letterpress hangtags at CBA.

I've already done some book binding (basic saddle stitching, Japanese stab bindings in a couple of variations, etc.), though I'm sure a formal class would still be helpful. So maybe I'll take one of those too, later on. I'd like to take a polymer-plate printing class too. & boxmaking. & Coptic binding. & & &...

I'm really excited. I bet that surprises you. ;)

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