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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Maybe this irks more than it normally would...

...because the reviews over there have been including things I have been genuinely surprised--in a good way--to see covered there. I know that does have something to do with Craig Teicher & at least one other person on the current staff & let's thank them (again) for it. (I'm with Jordan re: Mike Scharf, but whaddaya gonna do.) I also was made to panic "recently," if "recently" can mean 2 yrs or a little more ago, by the brief and crazy-making decision of PW to not review poetry at all, which they later reversed. That deserves another round of yays as well. It's one of the only ways nonspecialist bookstore buyers get to know about poetry books prior to the publication date (particularly since Kirkus--another trade mag--can't be bothered).

I was just kidding about being on the rag. How come when I disagree I get characterized as being "angry" or "pissed"? I'm not pissed. When I'm pissed, you'll know it. I'll be really clear. Promise.

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