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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I guess the question is

If you read this article & didn't notice the absence of women poet-bloggers,* why didn't you?

What does the absence mean?
What does your failure (assuming you failed) to notice it mean?
What does it mean that some of us were disappointed by what was missing?
What does it mean that we were mostly disappointed instead of "pissed"?
What does it mean that you (assuming, etc.) failed to anticipate that disappointment?

*Two of the web journals mentioned are indeed edited or coedited by women: La Petite Zine & HOW2. One female web journal editor (unnamed) apparently declined to participate. Two women (who do not participate in the online poetry arena directly) were interviewed for the piece on the online poetry arena: an editor at Graywolf who says the internet may give bring new "mainstream poets" to the attention of publishers, and the publicity director for Knopf who says she loves seeing her poets' poems on Salon.com. Ahem.

Women were included in the piece, but in a sidelong way. As for the rest of the response, since the editorial schedule for PW is set several months in advance for themed issues (so the advertisers know when to buy ads & the publicists can gather their relevant info on time) deadline pressure as an excuse is lame. Pointing to another article in the same issue that does feature a woman (who is also not participating in the online scene which the article in question characterizes as the new vital space) is lame. And implying including a woman poet-blogger would be taking the "opportunity to portray the blogosphere as a space for dialogue on all sorts of issues between and about women and men in poetry and literary culture in general, to show that men and women are equal contributors to the blog scene," is way lame. I asked because I rather expected an OMG-I-totally-fucked-up-gee-whiz-I-wasn't-thinking answer. I wasn't even gonna post about this, because you know, nobody likes looking at my twisted knickers. But there. You made me.

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