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Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Freqs come out in the afternoon: Frequency with UES today!

Shafer sez:


At the shallow end of the wide Manhattan Sea tomorrow will be a very special Frequency. Please note that it will be a SATURDAY Frequency.

This is a special Frequency because it is an Unpleasant Event Schedule Frequency, curated by Daniel Nester, and the readers are very attractive and some of them are from out of town.

These are: Leonard Gontarek (from Philadelphia), Amy King (from Williamsburg), and Tracey Knapp (from Boston).

Some links below will take you to more about these fine creatures.

So that will be tomorrow, Saturday, February 25th, at 2:30 PM at the Four-Faced Liar, 165 West 4th Street, New York, NY; 212-366-0608.

Much Love,

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