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Monday, February 12, 2007

What we learned on our trip to Cambridge

1. Yonkers is not in New York City, nor is it on the appropriate side of the Hudson River. Twice.

2. Women cannot drive. It's a mystery that they are able to make their own hotel reservations, or handle the money/have credit in their own names to pay for them. Nor can they intuit that the directions given on the hotel's website do *not* actually lead to the hotel. (Who do these bitches think they are?!) Also, they shouldn't curse so much. It's unladylike.

3. White people are like erasure. And also like Erasure.

4. Three burgers in one weekend is not too many.

5. Jiggling a comically oversized bottle of English beer between one's boobs for approximately 4 seconds brings it to optimum temp, for increased flavor. (& better tips.)

6. Made-for-teevee movies should all have opening scenes written by Dan Bouchard.

7. Bukowski most likely did not write on an Olivetti Valentine, but I could be wrong. However, I am too uninterested to look it up.

8. It's true: diapers do save time.

I barely remember the actual reading. I wasn't intoxicated. I was just road-weary and nervous. But Chris has some pics at the So and So site.

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