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Thursday, July 13, 2006


A tornado thrashed up the Hudson last night & the teevee called the lightning "deadly" even though no one was killed. I met a touristman in line yesterday who wondered if we are anxious on a daily basis about "terrorist attacks," & I said no, that worrying constantly is too exhausting, what with terrorists (foreign or the newly prophesied "homegrown" kind), Korean missile tests, and subway saw slashers. NYers could become agoraphobic & paranoid in a few heartbeats, but then an explosive neighbor irritated with his wife might still blow up our apartment buildings. (Yeah, that's a great idea: let's add "legally armed citizens" to the mix & just all go see Jesus.) It's just too much. I'm pretty sure my Southern friend was a little horrified, but he was sure polite about it.) By 10 or so our cable had gone out, so I couldn't watch the show, alas. I guess I can catch it tonight at 8:30 repeat.

More Montana pics (to decorate this place in the absence of poetical content & to alleviate my post-vacation home-again blahs) this afternoon. I'm finally caught up with most of my email & "working from home today" so I should be able to sift through a few more.

Spend 10 days without the internet/news/etc. sometime, do. I used to schedule these fasts regularly, but somehow forgot how detoxifying they are. Next one coming up in August when we head back up to Maine. I can hear the silence already.

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