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Sunday, January 27, 2008

In sash of satin she sways & sashays...

Reb "Your Ten Favorite Words" Livingston's isn't quite finished. Her status requires additional bling.

1 comment:

  1. It's come to my attention that a mailorder company is using this photograph to sell custom-made pageant sashes. I think that's misleading, because I made these myself. It's very easy!

    Go to Michael's (or a similar craft store) and purchase rolls of wide satin ribbon and sheets of metallic alphabet stickers. In a few cases I had to modify letters (like turn an F into an L because I'd run out). But otherwise no skills at all required and it's only a few bucks.

    I still have one of the sashes hanging in my office and the letters are still sticking, 3.5 years later. We just used safety pins to fasten the sashes at the bottom.


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