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Monday, April 30, 2007

Home stretch

Seeing as how today is the final day of NaPoWriMo, and that I'd have to write 4 poems today to achieve 30 poems in 30 days, I think I can safely predict I'm not quite going to make it.

But close. I'll keep posting one a day till I do--through Wednesday or so.

This year's challenge reminds me, just like the others have, that it's essential to set aside some time for poems to happen. If I wait for them to appear amid other busyness, they come on their own, but if I invite them they often come too, so more often. I always write *something* every day, and read poems almost every day, but you know, that kind of purposeful "I'm going to sit and write a poem now" kind of attention. It's different.

Some of the poems I've written this month are keepers, in the sense that I'll polish them and try to publish them, and others are more like notes toward possible future keepers.

This time around, I found that the daily challenge was not really conducive to working on the "For Girls" series. That's almost finished, and really needs more revisions than new-from-scratch writing, and could use more sustained attention over a couple of weeks to nail down. So I'll go back to that in May.

Anyway, not bad, in all. How'd you do?

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