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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tonight in New Haven . . .

. . . should I survive the train and mythical burger (& really, there's no reason to suspect I won't), I won't quite be reading a "whole new set of wholly new poems," but close.

Been working on revisions to the the "For Girls" poems from April's NaPoWriMo, which have never been performed in their full-bottomed bustleness, as well as some incidental gifts of poems from the ether, and at the other end of the scale will read some unfiltered raw biomass from the notebooks, such as a poem named "Tony Danza."

Which is not to say the "For Girls" series is completed (thanks to Ian). But as it stands, I mean, the girls in a semicircle awaiting their number on their dance cards.

If anybody shows up, that is. If not, we shall sing & mimic our favorite tropical birds. Which could also be fun.

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