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Monday, February 6, 2006

What I mean is...

...that what works for other kinds of books does not work for poetry books. Business schmizness. All economies are economies. Supply, demand. This has been proven.

What does work for poetry books is poets doing.

The self-made closed loop works better than the "industry" for poetry.

"We" are able to find and obtain what we want, what we need, what excites us. This has been true and remains true.

But then there's the problem of "closed."

How did you get here? A teacher? An anthology? A library? A bookstore? An accident? The internet? Remember.

The first poem you touched was a different animal (fuzzy, adorable, mewling) from the one you're holding right now (alien, possibly reptilian with some kind of freakish tongue, a name for it doesn't spring immediately to mind).

How did you get so brave, so curious?!

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