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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

In the mail...

Recently purchased/swapped for/received:

Hounds by Alli Warren
the tiny, Gina Myers & Gabriella Torres, eds.
The Shrubberies by Ronald Johnson
Radi os by Ronald Johnson
Black Dog Songs by Lisa Jarnot
The Sonnets by Ted Berrigan
Often Capital by Jennifer Moxley
1-800-Flowers by Rob Fitterman
Coming After by Alice Notley
My Life by Lyn Hejinian
The Maximus Poems by Charles Olson
Polyverse by Lee Ann Brown

As you can probably see, I am filling some gaps/replacing lost copies and grabbing up new chaps while they're hot. I've started packing my books for an imminent move (ok, fall--uh, there's lotsa books) so some alarming omissions, magically multiplied-copies, head-scratching whythehelldoihavethats, devastating losses, plain uglies, and other assorted oddities in my shelves have popped up begging to be dealt with.

Also on order but taking forflippinever: The New Sentence and In the American Tree by Ron Silliman. (I make a point of buying works-in-print by small presses and living authors NEW, or I shouldawoulda had these already. Might hafta go used though if they don't hurry!)

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