I am temporarily parking archived blog posts here while I redesign my site and change servers. For current content, please visit blog.shannacompton.com.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Catching up

Yesterday I finally tackled my in-box. Sheesh. Since my email app crashed in September I've been using webmail, and in a horrendously disorganized fashion, just procrastinating until I chose a new app. In the end I decided against switching to new software, to free my machine from the burden of stored mail. So webmail it is for the forseeable future, but I made some folders and set up new filters to make it manageable. Anyway, sorry for the severly delayed responses, folks. I'm embarrassed!

Also catching up with the DIY blog, which I've been neglecting while I was busy with the Bloof launch, etc. There's a fresh round-up post (with more to come ASAP) & Sandra's posted a couple of times recently too. Also, reviews are in the works! Check it.

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