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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Letter wow fan clever

Whoops. I forgot to post this (very nice!) review of Down Spooky by Adam Fieled, which appears in the new issue of Moria:

Under This Umbrella... is funny and erotic, Contraposto (which begins "To my dear and loving head wound") is funny and poignant, Laundry is funny and knowing, Elegy for a Fictional Strongman is funny and sad, Voluntary Cinderella is funny and corrosive, Hooray for the Differently Sane is funny and anti-moralistic. And so on. The most salient thing about this collection is how entertaining it is. Not that it isn't art; it is art; but it is also capable of giving immediate, unmediated pleasure. This is a profoundly human poetics, that any sensitive person with a sense of humor and a taste for the absurd could enjoy.

& so on. Pink to my toes, & naturally really pleased.

(NB: even tho the press that pub'd poor Spooky has faded, the book remains available via these booksellers, (some of those are used) or directly from me. If you wanna cut a 2-for-25 with For Girls I'd be cool with that.)

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