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Friday, July 6, 2007

The Weekly Box: Week Four

We did get tomatoes! Just 2 though, and they weren't deep red, more of a medium orange with greenyellow near the stem end, but mmmmmmmmm. I could smell them from the back seat as I drove them home yesterday. So we had BLTs for lunch today, on toasted whole wheat with the sliced Jersey tomato, turkey [tempeh*] bacon, [vegan*] mayo and a big pile of the farm's green leaf lettuce. Grey sea salt and fresh ground pepper--must not (never) skip that. Has there ever been a simpler, more delicious sandwich? I doubt it. (Well, maybe with pork bacon, but dang, and I didn't have it on hand.) Some leftover gilled zucchini from last week's box on the side.

We also got 2 more zucchinis, 2 more heads of lettuce (two reds, as we have some green left), a bunch each of collards (my current favorite green) and kale (okay I love that too), 2 cucumbers, 2 bunches of baby onions, and 1 head of green garlic (stalks left on--it's curing now, dangling from a hook on the back porch). They also offered cilantro and parsley in the choice groups, and more fennel, but we're good for herbs at the moment and we did fennel last week, so I got the onions instead. I have to be careful not to take my full share sometimes. It really is more than we can use, depending on how that day's harvest goes, and it's a shame to waste. (They sell the members' leftovers at the weekend farmer's markets.)

Tonight I'm making a version of this, using the escarole and ruby chard from last week's box (yes, it's still fresh as a miracle in the crisper) and maybe a bit of this week's kale. I think I'll make a batch of my [TVP*] meatballs (with fennel seed and parsley, no breading, no egg) to put in to make it a little heartier. (More thunderstorms late afternoon--the valley ridge to the north is pinked gold with bluegreen trees and zaftig damp, but cool with little puffgusts.)

*[This post has been modified because I have since gone vegan.]

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