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Monday, October 2, 2006

On strategic overstatement as modus operandi

So sometimes saying something is "best of the year so far" or "surely the most ambitious" or "better than any other to my mind" or "not since Some Famous Guy" is a symptom of extreme excitement.

And sometimes it might be an intentional provocation, meant to stir discussion.

And sometimes it might be an attempt to offset the natural filtering/sedimentation process of a plunked statement's erosion over time. As if by overstating, the nugget of meaning that will be left is more likely to be left than to fritter away entirely, if first wrapped in an exaggerated husk.

One of the drawbacks of strategic overstatment could be saying something in such a way that the end-nugget is not at all what you intended. Alas, I believe that might be the case here.

Yes, plenty.

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