I am temporarily parking archived blog posts here while I redesign my site and change servers. For current content, please visit blog.shannacompton.com.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Most of my blogging energy has been zapped by tasks or absorbed into backchannel conversations. Also I am writing an article about poetry on the internets.

& still getting ready to go to Philly for Frank's benefit on Sunday. HUGE thanks to the presses and individual poets who've sent their books to help a fellow when he could use it. (The real prize is you.)

I've got some new books I want to sit down with, try to articulate responses to (whatever they are).
One of these is Mike Magee's My Angie Dickinson, which is like one of those tiny sponges that expands into a big foam dinosaur when you add water. Open it anywhere and it's already careening along stomping woodland creatures and ripping the tops off trees. Very interesting how you can feel ED in his lines and dashes, but also feel something very (very) different. Her signature subtlety meets its funhouse mirror. Plus the cover is up there with The Anger Scale, a kind of stylized movie poster collage with bits of poems replacing the promotional copy and Angie Dickinson repeated in grayscale poses, with scriptwriting/director credits going to MM.

Elsewhere, Kasey has made a spot for folks to talk about what they'd like to see in a new writing conference.

& elsewhere, Mathias has made a step in the direction of a cooperative blog store for small presses & magazines.

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