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Monday, December 4, 2006

Stuff to do this week

Rodney Koeneke is reading tonight at the Poetry Project with Arthur Sze.

Update: Kate Greenstreet is also reading in NYC tonight, for Readings between A & B.

Maureen Thorson will be reading on Thursday at the New School, for the launch of her PSA edition of Mayport.

& I, dear reader, will be applying for a car loan. Because I just don't feel like an American unless I am burning gasoline & going into debt. Woohoo. (Since I'm a hippy, I'll be going into extra debt to get a hybrid & will still be electric-train commuting most of the time.)

Which is to say, we found an out-of-city place to move to come January, a green spot with a little porch, within commuting distance to our corporate slaveries. I've always wanted to live in a blue house.

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