I am temporarily parking archived blog posts here while I redesign my site and change servers. For current content, please visit blog.shannacompton.com.

Friday, December 19, 2003

Blog Rollicious links just got tastier...

I've added several new blogs to the ranks at right, including two blogs whose owners I'm unable to identify by name. As always, if you'd like to be here and are not, just holler. It's likely I just haven't chanced upon you yet or forgot to create a bookmark.

A thread afloat lately a subthread of which is exclusion in Blogsphere. Funnily enough, some of the people lamenting don't include links to anybody else in their own space. I guess it's not a stated blogpolicy, but it seems like most bloggers follow a reciprocal rule.

Blogger ate my top ten list of yesterday--and that's okay with me. Top tens are difficult. I have committment issues.

But since the post disappeared and Josh is also having Blogger trouble, I resaved my template this morning. Just in case. (Select all, then copy & paste into an MSWord doc. You'll be glad you did!)

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