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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Still really busy

Don't take it personally. I will get back to everyone when I can.

I will continue working additional hours through August, except when I (thankfully) escape to Maine. So much for summer. September will be better, when I go back to my usual schedule.

Just realizing (duh) the sour mood and inability to write are probably a result of this extra work. For one thing, it's really boring. For another, commuting 4 days rather than 3 loses me an additional 4 hours of productive time and a day at the gym. Yeah, so, that makes me grumpy, and I am unable to focus on my "real" (though less lucrative) work (i.e. poetry and the press) until I pay the rent. Alas.

Then the landlord arrives to complain we haven't mowed the yard.

Still, (most) things are moving along, despite the busyness. Which is good. Fall will be good.


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