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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Wasn't gonna. Did it anyway.

UPDATE: Heh, heh. Someone thought Noah was 60. I don't get that at all.

I didn't say Ron's test was bogus--he's teasing me I guess. I said "problematic" if the test was based on anonymity. I just thought most of y'all woulda seen LJ's poem here. 'Course, Ron has a lot more readers than I do, so what do I know. I mean I wasn't taking the size of sample into account.

I thought Nick had interesting things to say today too, about the tendency to rank the poems, though that wasn't specifically asked of participants.

Ok, back to whatever it was we were doing before.

[Original post below]

Took Ron's quiz. Though I remarked only on poem C. Poets A & B I know, and thus know these poems. I think poet B is influenced by poet A. (What do you think, poet B?) Especially in the poem I singled out to remark on here some weeks or months back.

And poem D, as I think Nick Piombino (not Crag Hill--where'd I get that?) also remarked, seems very like a poem poet A could have written. Perhaps it's in poet A's new book which I don't yet have, or an older book and it's broken free from my memory temporarily. But it sure sounds like poet A too.

Poet C then, is the only poet I couldn't identify at all. From the two couplets

in time life gives in

to affirmations

family outings birthdays bent

round the clock

I'd guess the persona (and perhaps the poet) is male and definitely older than 30, if not older. (Relax, poet C, I don't mean ancient or anything. I just mean a real grown-up.)

The fact that most of us read a certain online journal where poem A appeared and that lots of us also read poet B's disappearing musings on a regular basis must really be screwing with the whole anonymity point of this quiz, though.

What do you think, poet B?

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