I am temporarily parking archived blog posts here while I redesign my site and change servers. For current content, please visit blog.shannacompton.com.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

GAMERS pages...

are going up over here.

This is just a preliminary page--will get refined and less bloggishy as I go. About to add events details, contributor info, and a section for announcements and links.

So, send me your video game-related poems, stories, art, etc. Anything really at all, as long as it's geared to the general gamer and is entertaining in nature. I will be using these as web-exclusive features, called "Power Ups" and/or "Extra Men" as a way to make the site something beyond just info about the book.

ALSO, t-shirts are now being ordered from Custom Ink (about which I've heard nothing but praise) and should arrive in time for the events 11/30 and 12/4 and will also be available online. (Book contributors get a free tee of their choice, on me!)

But before I order, I'm trying to get a sense of how many in each size I should start with. The options are:

1) Men's Hanes Beefy T, Short Sleeve: S, M, L, XL

2) Women's American Apparel Girly Cap Sleeve Tee: S, M, L, XL

And if there is enough interest in hoodies, either pullover or zip-front, I can do some of those.

All will be black, all cotton, with red cover Invader and maybe a tagline on the back.

Feel free to comment below, and if, for instance, you don't want anyone knowing you wear a girl's small despite being Daniel Nester, it's fine to do it anonymously.

Thanks! And more soon!

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