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Thursday, November 18, 2004

Can you feel it?

I have holiday fever.

Now there are lots of things about the so-called Holiday Season I dislike, but the food isn't one of them. Planned the Thanksgiving meal and placed the Fresh Direct order this morning. Yum. I can smell Pawpaw Compton's Boubon Pecan Pie already.

Also REALLY looking forward to a little downtime to focus on prepping the book for Winnow (it's changed quite a bit since I submitted it back in April or whenever), making some new chaps, and also writing some new poems for the other MS.

And reading! For long periods at a time! None of this subway poems only and bit of novel or nonfiction before bed!

So forget the windows, and definitely forget the parade (I freelance for M@cy's--already sick of it), and forget the shopping (hate shopping--am making all gifts that aren't books or plants), and bring on the turkey with Mexican corn tortilla stuffing, cranberry jalapeno salsa, cilantro mashed potatoes, and chile-spiced kabocha squash soup!

That adorable cartoon comes from fabulous Sara Varon, whose comics you should collect obsessively.

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