New Yorkers know this slogan from subway and bus posters that have gone up since the WTC attacks. The posters (like the one above) usually feature an unattended bag or suitcase under a bench, etc. But as Chiba details over at SubText, unattended property is so common in the subways and streets here (often the belongings of a transient or homeless person) that it's almost odd not to see such things. And if you do "say something" you may just be dismissed.
Anyway, Shawn works in midtown Manhattan in the very cool Daily News Building, 1930. (The lobby detail below has folks calling it the Daily Planet Building, after Superman.) It's near the Pfizer pharmaceuticals building, the UN, and several consulates, including the Israelis, and Grand Central Terminal. Police presence in the area is always pretty high, and stronger when the UN is in session or a diplomat is in one of the nearby hotels, etc.
Yesterday, the Daily News Building (and the Pfizer building and a few others) were evacuted because of a "threat" on the street out front. Somebody had left an empty suitcase unattended on the sidewalk. Too bad Shawn didn't have an Emergency Fanny.
This isn't the first time this has happened. In fact, the clients Shawn was meeting with yesterday (who were present for the evacuation) were laughing that the same thing had happened to them Monday at the Saatchi building downtown. And once, Shawn was the one to "say something." He saw a "suspicious" unattended suitcase under a mailbox and told the nearest police officer. That officer was unable to leave his post on the corner, but he flagged down a passing patrol car and shared the news with a second officer, who presumably went to check it out. But Shawn wouldn't know.
While standing there talking to the officer, he realized he had several anti-Bush books in his bag, so he skeedaddled.
Oh, and I found out Monday that freelancers don't get Emergeny Fannies. So in case of disaster or attack, our standard-issue asses will have to be enough.
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