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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Bad mailman...

but good mail!

Invisible Bride by Tony Tost (Louisiana)

New Years by David Perry (Braincase Press)


Jaywalking the Is by Noah Eli Gordon (Margin to Margin)

Meme Me Up, Scotty by Chris Murray

But damn it, the mailman crammed them into our small box, completely mangling the poor bride. The chaps fared better and will be okay after a couple of days under the dictionary, I think. MMUS escaped harm by arriving the previous day.

There is no reason to shove large packages into our tiny box. There is a ledge above the boxes for oversized envelopes, and boxes and packages can go on the carpeted, interior-hallway floor if they don't fit.

Luckily, I have a pristine copy of Tost's book already (thanks to a friend who got me my AAP copy early). So this one will find a good home with a fellow who can nurse it back to health. The poems inside are still unscathed!

Since I am on the subject, I should also note that I received these several weeks ago, which I ordered in June:

Struggle and radiance by Jill Jones (Wild Honey Press)

eleven 747 poems by Pam Brown (ditto)

I have been so busy with GAMERS and other things, I haven't had much time to read poetry (except the little bit of the Dylan Thomas bio every night before bed, alongside the poems). Oh blessed vacation! I'm taking the Spicer and some of these too, plus I plan to pick up everything possible at the Massacre.

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