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Saturday, January 10, 2004


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn still and hereby adapting the usage of "truck" to mean "stuff." (Note: I'm actually reading an older facsimile version with the original illustrations, but this one has an intro by George Saunders and at least is not the Barnes & Noble version!) Also reading The Art of Poetry: Poems, Parodies, Interviews, Essays, and Other Work by Kenneth Koch, the answer man. Am very tempted to post "Fresh Air" in its entirety, since you can't find it online and it is apropos to what I've been jawing about here recently. (There's one version out there, but it's missing at least one stanza, probably more, and the line breaks are unfaithful.)

Watch me. See if I don't.



Y'all know I was just teasing Dan, right? "Disconnect" is also a frequent pain in my ears at my corporate freelance job, so it was funny to me that he used it while dissing Ron for using the ad-man's theory of disruption. (Love ya, baby.)


Off to the Bowery Poetry Club to meet Conrad.


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