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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reminder: Tribute to Lucille Clifton


A reminder that I am seeking any/all words of praise, personal anecdotes, close readings, reviews, photographs, audio/video recordings, poems-in-the-manner-of, work dedicated to, and other gushing and love for the Mama Poet who was Lucille Clifton, to be posted on the Delirious Hem blog very soon.

I'd said on/around March 1, but need at least a few more things. There is no lack of love, we know.

Alicia Ostriker has sent me an essay and anecdote. Sharon Mesmer a poem in memorium. Naomi Shiab Nye a poem about hearing Lucille perform. Theresa Senato Edwards an essay. I have written a little mini remembrance with some excerpts from her work.

Do you have anything to add? Would you like to play a song for Lucille? Or paint her an angel? Or just sign a card?

I am going to repost the call to Facebook too, so please DO FORWARD this message or repost at will.

Thank you,

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