I am temporarily parking archived blog posts here while I redesign my site and change servers. For current content, please visit blog.shannacompton.com.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Now even more blogrollicious!

Please welcome Steve Roberts with whom I read yesterday. He's a swell fellow, and you just might see a DIY chapbook by him soon.

And stop by and say howdy to Clay Banes, who will be hosting Jen and me in Berkeley in a few weeks, at Pegasus Books.

Curtis Petty, whom we met in Nashville at Watkins College of Art & Design has hung his shingle here.

Finally, take a peek at Oliver East's Rolling Stock Press, a DIY chapbook operation out of Manchester, England. Oliver's also being added to the resource links at the other blog.

If I've missed you, shoot me an email or comment below.

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