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Friday, January 14, 2005

Hey, I got my first Carve

One of my lit mag subscriptions for 2005 is CARVE, edited by Aaron Tieger. I received Issue 4 in yesterday's mail.

Here's a fab poem from the issue by Tony Robinson:

Tuesday Without Warning

Let's darling fall down the flue,

fire in the back chute magic markers

in the vimmed vixen's hair. O what I want to do.

Here is where you aren't birdless stingy

thing there is merely points on paper--

distance of such-such that-there: mili-

somethings. Don't write: try, or beg,

or ask don't leave the hutch unlatched.

Rabbits & their ilk prefer the proffered

mix of mesclun endive greens & blues.

Forsooth, Madam, 'tis true. Verily, ah

verdantly, we walk in scenes of aqua,

we threw our shoes in the lake...can't be!

Considerations cluster & become

fiscal. How much $$$ how come? When

you come I swear I can feel it over

here I swear I just gave birth I swear

it's bigger than air & all that's in-

between. Giving up giving in. Giving

the glove back to the brandysnatch

giving the girdle over to Bercilak

your skintone is frosty your musty is sexy

& fie! I guess. I fall into your rain.

Smack! The issue also includes Gina Myers, an interview with the ubiquitous Daniel Bouchard, plus poems by John Mulrooney, Mairead Byrne, Aaron Kunin, and Jane Sprague.

See A's sidebar (linked above and in blogroll to yr right) to get your very own.

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