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Friday, October 1, 2004

Fun with the dictionary

So, you guys know about bartleby.com, right? It's a super handy one-stop reference hub. But I just discovered a delightful new-to-me feature. The American Heritage Dictionary talks!

I was looking up a word I just discovered is misspelled in Big Confetti. (Not sure how I glossed over this so many times before--it just hit me the other night at the reading. Right in the middle of the poem.)

(If you're in a cubical, use your headphones now.)

Anyway, so I was looking up "feral." And for the first time I noticed that next to the phonetic representation there's a little speaker icon. Headphones. Click. Cool. (At least I was saying it right.)

So I listen to a few more words. Febrile, sandwich, monomania. As for "feral" the voice is serious, regal even.

But then, just for giggles, I looked up this word.

Oh ho ho ho ho. Forgive me.

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