I am temporarily parking archived blog posts here while I redesign my site and change servers. For current content, please visit blog.shannacompton.com.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Still Life with Sunday and Sybil*

For Sybil Durgin

I can no longer live in a world

Where bat-fly larvae survive

By eating bodily secretions

Off of the skin of newborn...bats.

Sunday was dressed like Sybil,

Sybil was dressed like In Cold Blood,


Crabs and Chihuahuas were Abundant.

The world loomed outside as mysterious

As the tallest tree in a dark forest,

But inside it was neither cold nor hot.

Anew. Fob. Value. Moo.

Finally, our lips were touching themselves

Just to touch themselves, a few noodles

Just making noises.

*Note: By Shafer Hall, who threatens that he will have his own blog soon. Our Big Confetti best to Sybil, who can no longer complain that her name is not Googlable.

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